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Interfaith Community Services is teaming up with the Tucson Chinese Cultural Center for the Empty Bowls fundraising event from 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 2.
The day is stuffed with samples of soups, breads, and desserts from local restaurants, plus live music and beautifully handcrafted ceramic bowls to purchase.
The event is not only a great way to stuff your face and purchase new bowls, but it’s also to support the Interfaith Community Services. Some of its programs help seniors and those with disabilities stay safe and independent in their homes and also assists families dealing with financial issues.
There will also be a wide selection of raffle and silent auction prizes throughout the cultural center.
Tickets are $25 per person.
The Tucson Chinese Cultural Center is located at 1288 W. River Rd. For more information, visit the Interfaith Community Services Facebook event page.
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