The Carriage House is hosting the Tucson Feeds Paris Cocktail Challenge from 5 – 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 1.
Six of Tucson’s top bartenders will duke it out for a $500 prize in this exciting challenge to create a cocktail that best represents the flavors of our city. The best part about it: you get to try them all.
The cocktail with the most votes will be served at a reception held in Paris at the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Headquarters on June 28. In addition, Award- winning Chef Janos Wilder will represent Tucson at the conference, and serve a signature dish to betoken the city’s culinary traditions.
So, which local cocktail will reign supreme? That’s completely up to the public. The event is $25 per person and that includes cocktail tastings, light hor’s d’oeuvres, and a voting ballot.
Bartenders interested in submitting a recipe must do so by Monday, May 22. Contest rules and instructions are availanble at carriagehousetucson.com/bartender.
For more information, call (520) 615-6100 and visit carriagehousetucson.com to make a reservation. The Tucson Feeds Paris Cocktail Challenge is limited to 125 guests.