Independent Week 2017
Saturday, July 1 – Sunday, July 9
Multiple Locations in Tucson
More Info
The 4th of July is a reason to celebrate our independence, but this year you’ve got a chance to shine all week long.
Local First Arizona will honor locally owned and independent businesses in Tucson during Independents Week from Saturday, July 1 – Sunday, July 9.
Independents Week, or what the cool kids call “Indie Week”, is Arizona’s only week-long celebration offering 20% off local cuisine and businesses.
Much like Charlie’s admission to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, you first need a Golden Coupon in order to save money.
Luckily, Tucsonans can easily download a Golden Coupon for free, and then print it out to join the fun.
Here are some of the Tucson-area food-related businesses that are participating this year.
More participating businesses are listed online.
For more information on Independent Week in Tucson visit localfirstaz.com.