Holiday at the Markets
9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Wed., Dec. 13 – Sun., Dec. 17
Multiple Locations
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If you’re looking for unique gift ideas this holiday season, it may be better to shop locally.
For its third year, the Heirloom Farmers Markets is offering a few shopping opportunities from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Wednesday, December 13 – Sunday, December 17.
The series of farmers markets has a little something for everyone as it celebrates the flavors from more than 200 farm, food, and art vendors, along with holiday deals, gift ideas, and live music.
On the very last day, featured executive chef David Soloranzo of Lodge on the Desert will be whipping up creative holiday dishes.
So, stray away from buying that boring pack of socks or personalized coffee mug for your loved ones this year, and make it down to one of these holiday farmers markets.
During the last farmers market at Rillito Park, bring along your pet and capture the fun in the holiday photo booth.
You can take your photo home for $10, get four photos for $25, or you can view them for free online. All proceeds will go to benefit upgrades to the Rillito Park Pavilions.
For more information on any of the four locations, visit heirloomfm.org.