Holiday Nights Dinner
5 – 8:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 15 – Sat., Dec. 16
Tohono Chul Garden Bistro
7366 N. Paseo Del Norte
More Info
(520) 742-6455
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Tohono Chul Park.
Tohono Chul Garden Bistro is hosting two holiday dinner buffets from 5 – 8:30 p.m. on Friday, December 15 – Saturday, December 16.
Before or after dinner, stroll along the paths garlanded with more than a million twinkling lights while musicians and artists perform throughout the gardens.
If you’re still looking for that perfect gift you might want to cruise into the museum gift shops along the way.
When you’re finished gazing at the lights and stretching your legs, head into the Garden Bistro for the unique holiday buffet.
Seats are $36.95 for adults, $17.50 for children eight – 12 years old, and anyone under seven years old is free.
If you’d like to reserve your seats you can call (520) 742-6455.
If you’d rather not eat, you can enjoy the timeless tradition on its own by purchasing your tickets online. Tickets are $12 for members, $16 for nonmembers, and just $3 for children 12 years and under.
This year, Bookmans Entertainment Exchange is making sure every child takes home a book for free. Be sure to visit their booth on your way out at the main exit.
Tohono Chul Garden Bistro is located at 7366 N. Paseo Del Norte. For more information, call (520) 742-6455 or visit tohonochulpark.org.
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