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The Watershed Management Group is celebrating the delicious shade of mesquite and other edible desert-adapted vegetation with a mesquite pancake breakfast from 9 a.m. – noon on Sunday, February 11.
The pancakes are one-of-a-kind because of their locally sourced and organic ingredients, and toppings that include organic butter, organic syrups made from maple, prickly pear, and pomegranate.
The celebration also features live music, puppet shows from Puppets Amongus, local non-profits, and educational presentations.
Tickets are $8 per person and that’ll get your hands on four pancakes and a beverage, whether you’re craving iced tea, orange juice, or a coffee from EXO Roast Company.
Seats are limited to just 500 people, so pick them up quick. The first 100 to bring their recent bill from Tucson Electric Power will get a free Mesquite or Arizona Ash tree.
The Watershed Management Group is located at 1137 N. Dodge Blvd. For more information, call (520) 396-3266 or visit Watershed Management Group’s Facebook Event Page.