Latte Art Throwdown Competition at Ren Coffeehouse

July 10, 2018
By Matt Sterner

Ren Coffeehouse is looking for Tucson's craftiest barista for its Latte Art throwdown competition.

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May the best barista win.

Ren Coffeehouse is calling on all local baristas for its latte art throwdown competition from 7 – 10 p.m., Saturday, July 14.

If you clock in daily at one of the coffee shops in town, or just enjoy making your own lattes at home, all levels of experience are invited to take on the challenge.

On the day of, you’ll be drawn randomly to see who you’re up against, and then the winner of each round will continue to the next.

Fun prizes and drawings will be given out through the night, but whoever comes out on top as the best barista will go home with a Baratza Encore Coffee Grinder.

It’s $10 per person to enter the competition. Additional entry information can be located on the Ren Coffeehouse Facebook Event Page.

So, what kind of tricks do you have up your sleeve? A heart, rosetta, or maybe a design more complex?

Ren Coffeehouse is located at 4300 N. Campbell Ave. For more information on how to enter the Latta Art Throwdown contest, visit the Ren Coffeehouse Facebook Event Page.

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