Traditional Peruvian cuisine for Peru Independence Day at Villa Peru (MENU)

July 26, 2018
By Matt Sterner

Local restaurant, Villa Peru, wants to celebrate Peru Independence Day the best way they know how with a special celebration menu and live music.

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Celebrate Peru’s Independence Day with Peru’s culture and exceptional cuisine.

Villa Peru Modern Peruvian Cuisine is celebrating in proper fashion from 6 – 10 p.m. on Friday, July 27 and Saturday, July 28.

On July 28, 1821, one of the most famous liberators of Latin America, José de San Martin, liberated Peru from Spain.

In turn, every year there are celebrations featuring excellent dishes to commemorate their independence, which is exactly what Villa Peru is doing with a special traditional menu.

Also, live Peruvian music will also be ringing out through the restaurant from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.

Peru Independence Day Menu

  • Seco de Carne, Pescado a la Chorrillana
  • Linguini Villa Peru
  • Causa montada con Ceviche a la Crema de rocoto
  • Filet Mignon Anticuchos
  • Suspiro a la Limeña
  • Arroz con Leche y Mazamorra Morada

Villa Peru Modern Peruvian Cuisine is located at 1745 E. River Rd. For more information and to make your reservations, call (520) 900-7310 or visit

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