Sharpen your blades, culinary battle “Knife Fight” returns to Charro Steak

August 8, 2019
By Matt Sterner

The tasty competition with three secret ingredients is in its third season.

Tucson’s underground culinary competition, Knife Fight, slices back on the scene for a third season at Charro Steak from 9 – 11 p.m. on Monday, August 12.

This year’s fight will be similar to the previous competitions. Each participating chef and the Knife Fight Venue brings a secret ingredient to the battle, and both chefs have 45 minutes to prepare three different dishes.

In other words, each of the dishes will have one secret ingredient to rock your taste buds.

This year’s judges will then decide on a winner based on three things:

  • Taste
  • Presentation
  • Use of secret ingredients

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There’s also going to be a Cocktail Fight and that kicks off on the second week.

The rules are similar to that of the Knife Fight, but the participants will only have 15 minutes to make three cocktails that include the secret ingredients.

The event is free to attend. Gift cards to local restaurants are being auctioned off throughout the night, and all proceeds will help support a local family in need.

The Tucson’s Knife Fight culinary roster will be announced soon.

Charro Steak is located at 188 E. Broadway Blvd. For more information and to stay in touch with the competition, visit Knife Fight’s Facebook Event Page. 

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