You still have a couple of weeks to plan your Thanksgiving meal, but there’s a nonprofit getting a jump on the festivities.
The Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona is inviting everyone to donate during Thanksgiving on the Mayflower celebration from 6 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Thursday, November 14.
It’s going to be an all-day effort to get the huge moving van filled with food donations.
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If you’ve got a busy schedule, but would still like to donate to the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, you can do so online. In addition, the first $25,000 in monetary donations will be matched by Tucson Electric Power.
One of the most convenient things about the event is that you can drive through the parking lot and volunteers will collect the goods straight from your car.
Although, if you do get out of your car, you’ll be able to meet with local radio personalities from MIXfm, KLPX, and KFMA, and also snag a photo with Tom the Turkey.
Thanksgiving on the Mayflower is being held at 4701 N. Stone Ave. (Sam’s Club). For more information, visit
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