You’ve got one more chance to catch this event before 2020.
Casino Del Sol’s PY Steakhouse is keeping their monthly “Dinner with Chefs” series rolling from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Decemer 17.
This month, executive chef Ryan Clark is joining forces with Speaking of Grains and Grapes owner, Russ Kempton. Each course will be paired with some of the Kempton’s favorite cocktails, including a “Welcome” Salt Foam Margarita to get things started.
Tickets range are $125 per person. Reservations can be made by calling Call (520) 324-9350.
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Salt Foam Margarita
This is the very last Dinner With Chefs event of 2019, but stay tuned for next year’s lineup — which is already in the works.
PY Steakhouse is located at the Casino Del Sol Resort at 5655 W. Valencia Rd. To make a reservation, call (520) 324-9350. For more information, visit