There isn’t just one season of giving and it can be all year round. On Tuesday, April 2, it’s officially Arizona Gives Day — a day dedicated to online giving to benefit local nonprofits.
Local non-profit organizations involved in ending hunger and bettering the community, much like the Community Food Bank, benefit from days such as this. Throughout the state, in five counties, the Community Food Bank provides emergency food assistance to almost 200,000 people each year. A third of those people are children, whose hunger then negatively affects brain development, behavior, and academic achievement.
Like many other non-profits, the Community Food Bank has activated donations online.
Another spot in town that benefits from Arizona Gives Day is the Community Gardens of Tucson. On Facebook, the organization points out the importance of keeping your money local and supporting our local communities. You can also donate at azgives.org.
“Your gift supports creating a stronger, healthier, more vibrant Tucson through our community gardens,” the Community Gardens of Tucson shared.
The Iskashitaa Refugee Network helps UN refugees integrate into the local community while “educating the public, strengthening the local food system, reducing local food waste, and increasing food security.” on Tuesday, April 2, Iskashitaa Refugee Network is teaming up with Chef Devon Sanner of Zio Peppe and the Gastronomic Union of Tucson (GUT) for a Citrus Celebration Gala.
Then there’s Sol Food Initiatives, Inc., which provides meals to those in need throughout Tucson’s east side community.
“We accomplish this mission by creating and hosting collective impacts between nonprofit and commercial partners, fostering pilot initiatives and social enterprises for hunger relief, and managing commissary access to a commercial kitchen,” Sol Food Initiatives shared online.
Then there’s our beloved Mission Garden! The living agricultural museum of Sonoran Desert-adapted heritage fruit-trees, traditional local heirloom crops, and edible native plants.
Founded in 2003, Local First Arizona focuses on community and economic development throughout Arizona —strengthening, supporting, and celebrating entrepreneurship, rural and urban community development, racial equity, environmental action, and food access. They’re hosting a Trivia Night up in Phoenix on Tuesday, April 2 to celebrate Arizona Gives Day.
The Heirloom Farmers Markets play a huge role in feeding those in need, too. By accepting food assistance programs like Snap/EBT, Heirloom means a lot to the local community, farmers, and food vendors.
“Donate this AZ Gives Day to Heirloom Farmers Markets, and help us get moving towards our goal of purchasing a van for HFM operations,” Heirloom Farmers Markets shared. “The HFM van will serve to increase our outreach to the broader Southern Arizona community, carry larger items (tents, tables, chairs) to our markets, and facilitate farm and ranch visits.”
The historic Fox Tucson Theatre entertains us all year with live concerts, standup comedy shows, and other performances. The annual Tucson Jazz Festival is always a blast (donations go directly toward the education program), the Southern Arizona Arts and Cultural Alliance (SAACA) hosts incredible events throughout the city, and the United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona is constantly sticking up for educational success, financial wellness, healthy living, and housing stability for everyone in the area.
Then there’s the magic of a rainy day here in the desert and those who appreciate the storm clouds.
“Our water conservation and river restoration programs are largely funded by donations, and our goal this spring is to raise $125,000, ensuring we can continue and grow our innovative work,” said Lisa Shipek of Watershed Management Group. “Thanks to a loyal donor, we have a $25,000 match, so your gift will be doubled.”
These are just a few of the local organizations that could use a helping hand not only on Arizona Gives Day, but all throughout the year.
Today and every day, you’re also invited to support the work that the small but mighty team of Tucson Foodie does to champion local restaurants, food trucks, artisans, and makers by making a one-time contribution.
Your support also helps to keep our content free of charge and with unlimited access. Thank you for the ways that you support and care for the work we do. We couldn’t do it without you!
For more information, visit azgives.org.
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