Are you itchin’ to get into the culinary industry?
Caridad Community Kitchen is currently recruiting students for its 10-week culinary training program that begins in January 2020.
Throughout the 10 weeks, which run Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to hop right into the local food industry. Another benefit of the training program is that students will learn to cook by making meals that are given back to the community.
For a former student that recently graduated from the training program, it was about more than launching a new career; this opportunity ended three generations of poverty.
“My family used the food bank’s services for three generations,” says former student, Denielle Sillik. “This is the first year we didn’t pick up emergency food. Instead, we’re donating food back.”
The class begins in January 2020 and all applicants will go through a four-step screening process.
Part of the enrollment process involves a drug test and a $25 contribution, which is then doubled to $50 once you’ve graduated from the program.
If you’re thinking about kicking your cooking skills up a notch, and you’ve got a desire to give back to the community, then you’ll want to be sure and register before the Friday, December 6 deadline.
The Community Food Bank is located at 3003 S. Country Club Rd. For more information and to register, visit communityfoodbank.org.