It’s sort of like hunting for vegetarians.
Although, you don’t need to be vegetarian or vegan to have some fun down on the urban farm. Everyone’s invited to Tucson Village Farm on Tuesdays for U-Pick — a pick-it-yourself farmers market.
The very first U-Pick of the season is happening on Tuesday, January 24 from 4 – 6 p.m., and this time it’s all happening on the “big farm” located at 2201 E. Roger Rd.
When you get to the farm, look for the windmill, go around to the back, snag a basket and clippers, and then go home with some organic farm-fresh goodness for your table. To many, it’s a satisfying experience wandering the fields, soaking in the views of the Catalinas, and getting the chance to harvest your own food.
“By focusing on the building of soil, integrative pest management (IPM), weed management, crop rotation, and cover cropping, Tucson Village Farm is committed to practicing integrated farming techniques and stewardship of our land. All TVF produce is grown herbicide and pesticide free, with lots of love for and by the youth and our community.”
Soon, Tucson Village Farm will have carrots, Chinese cabbage, and kalettes. If you’re curious about what they’ve got available to harvest the following weeks, check out Tucson Village Farm on Instagram or Facebook the morning of.
Prices are by the pound and are based on standard farmers’ market prices.
Tucson Villager Farm is located at 2201 E. Roger Rd. For more information, call (520) 621-1006 or visit tucsonvillagefarm.org.