Five-Course Malt Liquor and Bologna Sandwich Pairing Dinner
4:20 p.m., Thursday, April 20
Ermanos Craft Beer & Wine Bar
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Ermanos Craft Beer & Wine Bar is hosting a five-course malt liquor and bologna sandwich pairing dinner on Thursday, April 20.
“Just because bologna and malt liquor are inexpensive doesn’t mean they can’t dress up nicely,” said Matt Kraiss, executive chef at Ermanos. “We’re in the 21st century, we don’t reminisce about tea and cucumber sandwiches.”
Seats are $69 per person plus tax and gratuity.
Don’t worry, Kraiss is making sure guests are getting their money’s worth. Guests won’t receive their next course until they completely finish their malt liquor from the previous course, all of which are served in 40-ounce goblets, he said. Additionally, guests who tape the forties to their hands and finish their meal without removing the forties get to eat for free.
Great value aside, malt liquor’s light, crisp taste is a natural pair for bologna.
“King Cobra’s lemon-malt cake aftertaste cuts right through the fat,” Kraiss said. “Olde English has a sweeter profile like a dessert wine, so it’s the perfect way to end a perfect evening.”
Tickets are not available to this April Fools’ Day event as the content above is fictional. For actual news, check out Ermanos Second Anniversary party that actually is occurring April 1.