Maynards Market & Kitchen Wine Tour
6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Fridays, June 3 – Sept. 23
Maynards Market & Kitchen
400 N. Toole Avenue
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This summer, Maynards Market & Kitchen will host their Summer Wine Tour wine tour featuring wine tastings from countries throughout Europe, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.
Beginning June 3, the wine tour will be held every Friday night at Maynards Market & Kitchen, 400 N. Toole Avenue, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. until September 23.
“It’s kind of a way to tour the world through sampling wine from different countries,” Maynards Sommelier Steve Berger said.
“I usually present one sparkling wine, two whites, and two reds, that showcase the wines of that country. It’s a way to discover wines that people will hopefully want to purchase, as well as just a lot of fun to sip wine on our patio.”
In addition to fifteen days of wine tastings, Maynards will host four different four-course dinners. On the last Friday of each month, the restaurant’s menu will focus on foods regionally specific to three paired wines.
Tastings are priced at $10 per person. Dinners are priced at $55.
However, if you’re a member of Maynards’ Wine Club, tastings are free. If interested in joining the club, members receive two bottles of featured red and white wines, 25% off case purchases, discounted wine dinners, and specials from the restaurant. Members pay $60 quarterly or $230 annually.
Guests who attend each tasting will receive 10% off dinner and those who attend each dinner will receive 50% off admission for Maynards’ Annual Grapes to Glass event in October.
“The Wine Club and Summer Wine Tour are designed to be a fun way to discover new wines and introduce people to the best, and only, wine store in downtown Tucson,” Berger said.
For more information, visit maynardstucson.com.