“At The Fork” PremiereÂ
7 p.m., Wed., July 13
AMC Loews Foothills 15
7401 N. La Cholla Blvd.
More Info
Whole Foods Market and the Humane Society have partnered with the masterminds behind the documentary At The Fork to premiere a private movie screening in Tucson on Wednesday, July 13.
The movie follows John and Lisa Papola through a journey of learning how animals are raised for consumption in the United States.
At The Fork was created to show consumers how their purchasing decisions can not only affect farmers, but can “help change the way animals are raised.”
John, an omnivore, and Lisa, a vegetarian, will provide viewers with a behind-the-scenes look at conventional farms and will speak with prominent characters, including animal welfare expert Dr. Temple Grandin, Humane Society CEO Wayne Pacelle, and author Mark Bittman.
“Papola asks the tough questions behind every hamburger, glass of milk, and baby back rib. What he discovers are not heartless industrialists, but America’s farmers — real people who, along with him, are grappling with the moral dimensions of farming animals for food.”
A private screening of At The Fork will premiere at 7 p.m.,Wednesday, July 13 at AMC Loews Foothills 15 movie theater. Tickets are $12 and at the time of this writing, 103 tickets remain. To purchase tickets, visit attheforkfilm.com or go directly to the ticket purchase page: tugg.com/events/106860.
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