Mr. Beer Homebrew Store Grand Opening
1 – 5 p.m., Saturday, May 6
Everything Homebrew
3366 N. Dodge Blvd.
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Tucson-based online homebrew supply company Mr. Beer is hosting a grand opening for their first brick-and-mortar store, Everything Homebrew, from 1 – 5 p.m., Saturday, May 6.
The little shop is tucked around the back of Mr. Beer’s headquarters, just over a block north of Tucson Hop Shop.
Luke’s Pizza and Beer Geek Bakery will be on hand selling food for the grand opening. Additionally, Everything Homebrew will offer hourly raffles with prizes like such as Tucson Hop Shop and Mr. Beer gift certificates, brewing kits, T-shirts, and more.
Brewing ingredients, equipment and kits will be available for purchase. Demos, classes, and seminars will also be a crucial part of the business.
Everything Homebrew offers a few exclusive items as well. They’re the only homebrew store in the state that carries commercial-grade GigaYeast. While they offer the standard size five-gallon kits, smaller two-gallon kits will also be on hand.
“Two-gallon kits are great for beginners because you won’t have to spend a lot of money,” said Josh Ratliff, brewmaster at Mr. Beer and Everything Homebrew.
Beer kits generally require an initial 15 – 20 minutes of active work, 2 – 3 weeks of fermentation time, and another 2 – 3 weeks of carbonation time.
Hop “unenthusiasts” have other options for libation DIY. Everything Homebrew also offers a root beer kit and knowledge to help customers make their own ciders and ginger beers. Wine, kombucha, and sauerkraut kits will also eventually be part of the in-store selection, hopefully by fall, Ratliff said.
Everything Homebrew is located at 3366 N. Dodge Blvd. For more information, visit mrbeer.com.