If you haven’t sampled one of the local brews at Pueblo Vida Brewing Company, run, don’t walk.
The local brewery and taproom, located at 115 E. Broadway Blvd., has captured the hearts of refined beer drinkers and outdoor enthusiasts alike.
We (Tucson Foodie staff) have, at one time or another, each waited for a flavor-infusion release by checking @pueblovida, gawked at the beautiful beer presentation, and planned our afternoons accordingly.
Want to know what else?
We thought so. Here’s some behind-the-scenes trivia for you to rattle off the next time you crack open a cold one with friends (especially if you are curating a photo with one of their cans).
The PV building was built in 1918 — over 100 years old. Say what?
Well, the trees used to make the taproom rafters are Mount Lemmon pine.
And the rest of the taproom? The tables and shelves are made from recycled wood; the lights are sourced from a power plant in Washington State.
Looking to view a University of Arizona game or history-making championship, such as a World Cup game?
Pueblo Vida has hidden TVs that are only visible during special games. Who would’ve known?
Using suppliers that re-charge ground water and make a positive environmental impact on our region is a step in the right direction. If you head to their social media, you can keep up with their sustainable efforts and ventures.
And all that spent grain, from the brewing process, is donated to a local farm. Recycle, up-cycle, sustain!
A new beer infusion is crafted every Tuesday. But how? A unique ingredient is added to one of the beers on tap in only one keg (and it usually runs out by Tuesday night). So, if you want to try it, keep tabs on their Instagram or Facebook, and head over when they open at 4 p.m.
Recent infusions included Pomegranate + Coconut Circuitous Double IPA, Cherry Limeade Monswoon IPA, and Peaches ‘n Cream Ecotone Double IPA.
Pints & Poses, a beer and yoga experience, started the first Sunday that they opened the brewery to the public and has taken place ever since. The hour long yoga class starts at 10:30 a.m. and ends with a pint of beer for only $5. The teachers, representing various yoga studios around Tucson, rotate weekly.
Join in, stretch, and drink up!
Local designer, Ryan Tryate of Saywells Design, has designed every can. By the end of 2019, he will have created over 100 unique designs. Wowser.
You’ll find images with the iconic cans in a variety of wilderness locations online. They sure do travel.
Ready to support local and crack open a (gorgeous) can? Us, too.
Pueblo Vida taproom is located at 115 E. Broadway Blvd. For more information, visit pueblovidabrewing.com (or stalk them on Facebook and/or Instagram).