Celebrate life, long days, food, wine, and the tropical beaches we’ll never have in Tucson, with a Summer Solstice Luau at the beautiful Hops and Vines vineyard in Sonoita. A $20 ticket (just $15 if you bring your own glass) gets you a souvenir glass from the winemakers, six wine tasting tickets, including their brand new Sauvignon Blanc Mahalo, plus all the roasted pig and delicious Mama’s Hawaiian Bar-B-Cue you can eat.
Unique in its casual, fun and super friendly atmosphere, the Hops and Vines’ tasting room features a Wishing Barrel, where all year long guests are invited to write down a wish on a piece of paper, put it in the barrel and ring a bell, alerting everyone in the room to “toast” the wish (aka “have a drink”)! On the eve of June 21st, add your own wish to the barrel, and once you’ve stuffed your face with Hawaiian goodness, linger by the bonfire to cleanse your soul with a “burning of the wishes” ceremony. Watch a live fire dancer performance and maybe have a chat with some of Hops and Vines’ resident animals (goats, chickens, rabbits, a cat named Vino, and more).
Don’t forget to wear your favorite hawaiian tee or grass skirt — Hawaiian garb encouraged!
For more info visit the AZ Hops & Vines Summer Solstice event page.