Brewer Name
Eric Greene
Brewery Name
Dragoon Brewing Co.
1859 W Grant Rd #111
Tucson, AZ 85745
Tucson Foodie has partnered with Tucson Craft Beer Crawl for 2016 and is proud to feature Brewer Profiles. Each profile features a select Craft Beer Crawl brewer. This profile features Eric Greene.
How and when did you first become interested in beer?
My dad started home brewing in the 1990s. When I started college, naturally, I stole as much of his old brewing stuff as I thought I could get away with. I became really interested in beer in about 2006, when I started getting nerdy with home brewing.
What do you think you bring to the brewing game that makes you stand out?
A full beard, complete with special microorganisms that work together to give me Beer-Sense (kind of like Spider-Sense™, but for beer).
Top five beers you’ve sampled recently (only include ONE of yours)
Beers you’ll be featuring at the beer crawl?
Check out Dragoon Brewing and a handful of other local and regional brewers at the 2016 Tucson Craft Beer Crawl, February 20, 2016. For more information and tickets, visit tucsoncraftbeercrawl.com.