Coffee, juice, and smoothie bar Prest Coffee has moved into a permanent location in the lobby of 5151 East Broadway, Tucson’s largest – and one of its most visible – commercial office buildings.
Originally a cart outside of 5151 during mornings, Prest gained a following for its locally-sourced French-pressed coffee and fresh-squeezed orange juice.
The expansion allows for the addition of espresso drinks, coffee fraps, hot and cold chai beverages, and pastries, said Kyle Kacerek, owner of Prest.
Featured pastries from C2 Baking include varieties such as lemon cake, chocolate brownies, orange cranberry bread, and banana bread.
Prest Coffee is in the lobby of the 5151 East Broadway building at 5151 E. Broadway Blvd. and is open 7 a.m. – 2 p.m. Monday – Friday. Keep up with Prest on Facebook.