The #WeeklyDish column would be incomplete without inclusion of the Plato Poca Cosa at Cafe Poca Cosa.
With three different items chosen at the chef’s discretion, the legendary dish has countless variations. Furthermore, if multiple people order the Plato at the same table, no two people will receive the same combination of items.
More often than not from our experience, the Plato includes a chicken mole, a beef item, and a sauced tamal pie with salad and fruit.
While mole poblano and mole negro are among the most popular mole sauces, Poca Cosa has a wide arsenal to keep things fresh. The chicken breast is tender and juicy.
The beef is often grilled carne asada or something simmered slowly with plenty of onions and chiles. The moist tamal pie features a prominent sweet corn flavor accented by whichever sauce is being used, such as beet, banana, or zucchini.
Although diners with brumotactillophobia might have a little trouble with the medley, adventurous diners will have always have a plate worth returning for.
Cafe Poca Cosa is located at 110 E. Pennington St. For more information, call (520) 622-6400 or visit
Jackie Tran is a Tucson-based food writer, photographer, culinary educator, and owner-chef of the food truck Tran’s Fats. Although he is best known locally for his work for Tucson Foodie, his work has also appeared in publications such as Bon...