Plant-based burger joint Beaut Burger celebrates its first year anniversary Thursday, June 6. And a good year it has been.
“We have had a tremendous opening year down here at the dynamic MSA Annex, with Westbound and Kukai, and a wonderful group of unique retail shoppes,” said partner Ari Shapiro. “Tucson’s response to our novel burger joint has been overwhelming, and we look forward to serving this community ever more, as we enter our second year.”
Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, or an omnivore, Beaut is easy to fall in love with. Here are seven things about MSA’s plant-based burger stand you probably didn’t know.
Beaut Burger founder Kerry Lane is a vegan/macrobiotic chef. In her college days, she worked at the very un-vegan diner, The Hamburg Inn, in Iowa City.
Kerry and co-founder Ari Shapiro went to NYC just to eat at Superiority Burger, which GQ declared “the burger of the year is missing one ingredient (meat)”.
Most of Beaut Burger’s staff are not vegan, but get a kick out of cooking for their customers, many who are proud omnivores as well!
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We act like we are foodies now. #moderntimesbeer #beautburger #westbound #popupdinner
Early names that missed the cut: Daisy’s, Beehive, Beta, Grassroot.
They’re obsessed with the wonders of slow-fermented, hand-shaped dough as is evident in the buns at Beaut, and the pies at sister-restaurant Falora.
The centerpiece concrete picnic table, benches, booths and tables were fabricated by the talented folks at Midtown Artisans.
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110 year old Agnes Fenton inspired Beaut’s highlighted lowbrow beer, Miller High Life.
They recently launched the B-KIND burger, the result of a partnership between Beaut and Ben’s Bells. Proceeds from the B KIND burger are donated to the non-profit.
They take the phrase “dog-friendly” to another level with house-made, plant-based K9 treats.
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Beaut is now offering two new diner-inspired plant-based sandwiches, the Wry Reuben and Bedeviled, which are a take on a Reuben and an egg salad sandwich. Served on marble rye.
Beaut Burger is located at the MSA Annex at 267 S. Avenida del Convento. Find out more about Beaut at