Tony Zamorano of Crooked Tooth Brewing Company (Photo by Joseph Ochoa)

Nine on the Line: Tony Zamorano of Crooked Tooth Brewing Co.

April 25, 2023
By Jessie Mance
By Jessie Mance

If you’ve ever spotted the Crooked Tooth Brewing Company delivery van cruising around town, there’s a good chance Tony Zamorano is at the wheel.  

Zamorano is the Sales Director at Crooked Tooth Brewing, and his job connects him with taprooms and bars all across town, spreading the good word about Crooked Tooth beers. However, Zamorano’s job title hasn’t limited him to just peddling pints. In his six years working at the brewery, he has worn the hats of a sales rep, an event planner, a merchandise manager, and the guiding force behind the brewery’s unique collaboration with the Tucson International Mariachi Conference

“It’s a small business,” Zamorano said.  “I help wherever I’m needed.” 

Zamorano’s devotion to local craft beer and his kindness as a human makes him an integral part of Tucson’s inclusive, accomplished, and thriving network of beer professionals.  

Tony Zamorano of Crooked Tooth Brewing Company (Photo by Joseph Ochoa)
1. What was the first beer that changed your perspective on beer?

Left Hand Brewing Company’s Milk Stout. At the time, I didn’t know beer could ever taste or feel this way. It was the beginning of what has become a lifelong journey.

2. What are you drinking these days?  

Beer is my passion and hobby; I drink beer more than anything but I enjoy a good cocktail here and there.

Tony Zamorano of Crooked Tooth Brewing Company (Photo by Joseph Ochoa)
3. What is one bar or kitchen tool, ingredient, or tool of your trade, you use that you would recommend to everyone? 

Dan (Smith) and Max (Houghton). Our brewers/back-of-house team. Absolute monsters! Everyone should have a Dan and Max. They’re hard at work, making the beer we sell and getting orders ready for delivery. They make my job so much easier. People don’t usually see all the hard work that goes into every pint of beer but it’s a lot, and these dudes come in and do it day in and day out. Between grain, kegs, and cans, they move more physical weight in a week than some bodybuilders. I literally couldn’t do my job without them. If you ever get the pleasure of meeting them, buy ‘em a beer, would ya? They’ve more than earned it.

Max Houghton, Dan Smith, and Ben Vernon of Crooked Tooth Brewing (Photo by Isaac Stockton)
4. What style, ingredient, or beer trend are you most excited about these days?

I love that some traditional craft styles are coming back. In a world where everything got a little wacky with beer for a while — dessert beers, cinnamon roll this, vanilla that, more candy please, and more and more hops — it’s cool to see pilsners, lagers, lighter styles and the like make a bit of a comeback. It seems beer has found it’s way back home in a lot of ways.

5. Who (living/dead/real/fictional) would you most like to have a beer with?  

Definitely The Beer Gods (Ninkasi, Albina, Bacchus, et al). If we could learn every minute detail about how to perfect the craft and see the future about what trends are happening and get ahead of it, that would be pretty rad.

6. What city, other than Tucson, is your favorite place to explore the local craft beer scene and why?

I really like the San Diego beer scene. There’s a lot of OG brands out there along with newcomers who are making great stuff. The quality of the beer is great out there; add in great weather and the beach… it’s perfect.

7. What do you like most about working in the local craft beer industry?

Community. This industry, in Tucson specifically, is special. Great people everywhere, everyone gets along and is willing to help and support each other. It’s not like this everywhere, so we are quite lucky. Everyone, including our customers, benefit and I think it’s a big part of what makes Tucson amazing, and just the beginning of our craft beer story in Tucson.

8. Which three Tucson bars, breweries, or restaurants do you frequent the most, other than your place of work?

In no particular order:

The Royal Room. Yes, proximity to [Crooked Tooth Brewing Company] is a factor but I love this place. 

Saint Charles Tavern. What a gem of a bar (shhhh! Don’t tell everyone).

Pueblo Vida Brewing Company. Love the people, love the vibe, and love the beer.

Ben Vernon, Sarah Schille & Tony Zamorano of Crooked Tooth Brewing (Photo by Isaac Stockton)
9. If you could only have one beer (or one style of beer) for the rest of your life, what would it be? And what meal would you pair it with?

Easy. Old faithful, Mexican Lager forever (maybe even Crooked Light. Wink, wink!), and carne asada tacos. Crisp, delicious, easy-drinking beer and the best food to go with it.

Crooked Tooth Brewing Company is located at 228 E. Sixth St. For more information, follow Crooked Tooth Brewing on Facebook.

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Jessie Jean Mance was born in Tucson and never met a riparian area she didn’t like. She is a lover of lightning, sunsets, mezcal, music, and other intoxicating experiences. Mance resolutely believes that fresh air is medicine, burritos are the...

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